Rain Forest Vocabulary 

erosion: The process of eroding the Earth surface by wind,water,ice or other natural agents.


drip tip: The sharp and pointy tip of a leaf where rain water drains away and drips off at the tip.

 epiphytes: A plant that grows on another plant but is not a parasite. 


liana: A woody climbing plant that hangs from trees.

vines: A climbing or trailing woody-stemed plant of the grape family.


forest layers: emergent - The highest layer in the forest.  Where the tallest trees live and get the most sunlight.

forest layers: canopy - The primary layer of the forest (below the emergent layer).  Where most of the animal species live.


forest layers: understory - The layer below the canopy.  Almost no sunlight reaches it, with small trees.


forest layers: forest floor - The lowest layer of the rainforest.  It is dark and very few animals live here.


flowering plant: A plant that produces flowers and seeds.


non-flowering plants: Plants that do not produce flowers.

emergent layer, canopy layer, understory, and forest floor: The four layers of growth in a forest.  Each layer has special animals and plants that live there.

shallow root system: When the roots of plant or tree spreads outward instead of  going deep into the soil.  They get nutrients from the topsoil.


water system: When water is transported by pressure or gravity to a different place. Like a river and its creeks and ponds.


Author: Erik Banuchi (orange jaket) & younger brother Alan.